Capsicum is a type of plants from the nightshade family native to the Americas, where it was cultivated for thousands of years by the people of the tropical Americas, and is now cultivated worldwide.
Excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A
Capsicum should be a uniform, glossy colour either bright green or deep red. It should be firm and have thick walls. Depending on the variety, it may be mild, sweet, hot or fiery. Capsicums are also called green, red or yellow peppers. The two varieties are sweet pepper or chili pepper. Sweet peppers are green, orange, red or black capsicums with a mild flavour. Chili peppers are significantly smaller than sweet peppers. They are also green, orange, red, or black but are extremely hot.
Capsicums belong to the same family as the tomato and eggplant. The word capsicum means “box”. They were discovered by Christopher Columbus in America in the 16th century. He called capsicums peppers because of the fiery flavour. Capsicums are sold fresh, dried or ground.
From January To December
From November To February
Generally available
Because of the hollow shape, sweet peppers are perfect for stuffing. They can be used in salads, with chicken, eggs, rice, tuna, ham and rabbit. Before using, the seeds and white fibrous membrane should be removed. Chili peppers are extremely hot. To decrease their heat, the seeds can be removed or they should be soaked in cold salted water. They do not need to be skinned before use. Chili peppers are used to season black bean, avocados, pickles, chilli, mustard, curries, and cheese. When handling chili peppers, avoid contact with the eyes.
Capsicums should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.