It is completely natural to desire something sweet. A sweet flavor is a signal to the body that there will be an abundance of easily-assimilated energy. With processed sugar, the body has been tricked into feeling satisfied, when in fact, the sweetness is completely deficient in essential vitamins, minerals, trace minerals and enzymes which would normally be present. A chocolate bar may satisfy hunger because of the high amount of sugar and fat, but it has created a deficit in the nutrients the body needs to run efficiently. Hence, we have people who are overweight, yet their bodies are starving for nutrients.

Trying to fight your sweet tooth by eliminating sugar from your diet is not the answer. Replacing man-made, processed, empty calories with natural sweeteners is the solution, and we have some practical suggestions.

Dates and raisins

Strengthen me with raisins, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love (Solomon 2:5). Take a handful of dates, raisins or figs and place them in your blender with a 1/2 cup of water. Blend for 10 minutes or until desired consistency. Out of your blender will come a caramel pudding-like substance that is absolutely heavenly. It is hard to believe that this natural, healthy sweetener is so good for you!. It can be used for salad dressings, topping for fruit salad, creating healthy desserts and baking.

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