The Chinese gooseberry is has been cultivated in China for over 3000 years. The fruit grows on a climbing vine, like grapes. The vines grow very large and are supported by a trellis. They are a tropical fruit requiring a long, warm growing season and a very mild winter season to prevent splitting of the vine and damage to the buds.

Kiwi fruit was developed from the Chinese gooseberry from seeds brought to New Zealand in 1904. They were briefly given the name, ‘melonette’ before they were given the Maori name ‘Kiwi’.

The development of this fruit caused much excitement among the New Zealand growers, and the product was exploited, providing the first commercial shipment of 100 cases to California in 1959. In 1970, the first kiwi fruit was harvested in California, and it was an immediate hit, providing a delicious and refreshing addition to the culinary palate.

One kiwi fruit and a banana are equal in their potassium content. They are also a good source for vitamin C.

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