Mango Pulp
To make pulp the Indian Ratnagiri Alphonso and Paayri or Raspuri are the best varieties.
- Choose fully ripe, very healthy mangoes, and wash and clean fruit very well.
- Place thumb over the base and hold mango firmly between thumb and finger from base to tip.
- Now soften the fruit with the other hand by rotating the mango and applying pressure at the same time.
- When fully softened, snip off base with hand.
Push out and empty contents (stone and all) into a deep dish. - Discard skin.
- Put some water in a smaller dish. Place squeezed off stones in this.
- When all mangoes are done with, rinse out stones in water in which they are soaking.
- Add to the remaining pulp.
- Run a handmixie through the mixture to get either a smooth or grainy texture as desired.
Fact About Mango
Description : Size is medium to large and its shape is oval to oblong with a round tip. Yellow-Orange in colour with a red blush. The size is medium to large and its shape is a plump oval. Yellow in colour with crimson blush.
Preparation Tips & Usage
Keep unripe mangoes at room temperature to ripen, which may take up to 1 week. Mangoes can be served fresh in salads and are excellent when used in a stir-fry or other meat dishes. Can also be cooked in breads and muffins. Mangoes can be frozen and used in jams. Mangoes are usually available from November until
A paper bag might help them ripen sooner, but they will not ripen at temperatures below 55 degrees F. Ripe mangoes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, or they can frozen, dried, cooked in syrup or puréed.