Organic Food is not, contrary to popular belief a new fangled idea. It is merely the way that we all used to eat food some years ago.
After WW2 there was a rush to increase food production with government incentives being offered. the result was an enormous increase in the use of artificial Nitrates and pesticides. Much higher yields were produced but at what price?
An insight into the effect of residual chemicals can be found by looking at the condition of people recovering from chemotherapy after Cancer treatment. Medical advice is that patients should eat only organic food as their bodies cannot cope with the chemicals in ‘normal’ food.
Eating organic food, in particular root vegetables gives not only a feeling of well being but increases resistance to illness and offers a younger healthier body.
The restaurant in the UK parliament has been fully organic for some years. (despite the fact that the government is not particularly supportive of organic food production.
If you want to live longer and be healthier eat organic!