Pineapple’s main benefits come from brome lain, an effective anti-inflammatory, making it exceptional good for joint problems. Rich in vitamin C, pineapple supports the immune system and defends against free radicals, which can cause premature ageing. An excellent source of manganese, important for antioxidant defenseman energy production.
Pineapples, also called Ananas and Pina, are native to Paraguay and Brazil.
Some commercial use of pineapple is inhibited by the presence of bromolain, which is a powerful protolytic enzyme. In fact, I can eat only small amounts of fresh pineapple because the bromolain actually starts to digest my tongue, making it bleed.
A 2 inch slice of pineapple provides 15 grams of sugar, vitamin C and iron
Pineapple,common name for a flowering plant family, characterized by unique water-absorbing leaf scales and regular three-parted flowers. The leaves are spirally arranged sheaths or blades, usually occurring in layers. The plant embryos have one seed leaf (see Monocots). The family, which contains more than 2000 species placed in 46 genera, is almost exclusively native to the tropics and subtropics of America, with one species occurring in western Africa. Many species are now cultivated around the globe, however. The most economically important species is the familiar pineapple. A few species are sources of fiber; others are cultivated for their showy flowers or foliage. The family constitutes an order, and the term bromeliad is used for its members.
The pineapple was probably first domesticated in the high plateaus of central South America; it was widely planted for its fiber before Europeans first saw it in the Caribbean. Thereafter, cultivation spread to warm regions around the globe. Hawaiian plantations produce almost a third of the world’s crop and supply 60 percent of canned pineapple products. Other leading producers are China, Brazil, and Mexico.
In California, Pineapples are available all year. A ripe Pineapple is fragrant, heavy and symmetrical in size. In the USA, pineapples are enjoyed as a dessert or snack, in salads, in drinks, in baking and in cooking. Once the fiberous core is removed and the fruit seperated from the shell, delicious and juicy slices can be carved from the remaining flesh. Pineapples are picked ripe and ready to eat, so you can enjoy them immediately after purchase.
Basic Nutritional Facts: Fat-free, Saturated fat-free,Very low sodium, Cholesterol-free, High in vitamin C