Fact About Apple
- Apples come in all shades of reds, greens, yellows.
- 2500 varieties of apples are grown in the United States.
- 7500 varieties of apples are grown throughout the world.
- States apples are eaten as fresh fruit. 39 percent of apples are processed into apple products; 21 percent of this is for juice and cider.
- The top apple producing states are Washington, New York, Michigan, California, Pennsylvania and Virginia, which produced over 83 percent of the nation’s 2001-crop apple supply.
- Apples are fat, sodium, and cholesterol free.
- A medium apples is about 80 calories.
- Apples are a great source of the fiber pectin.
- One apple has five grams of fiber.
- Apple trees take four to five years to produce their first fruit.
- In Europe, France, Italy and Germany are the leading apple producing countries.
- Most apples can be grown farther north than most other fruits because they blossom late in spring, minimizing frost damage.
- It takes the energy from 50 leaves to produce one apple.
- Apples are the second most valuable fruit grown in the United States. Oranges are first.
- In colonial time apples were called winter banana or melt-in-the-mouth.
- Newton Pippin apples were the first apples exported from America in 1768, some were sent to Benjamin Franklin in London.
- In 1730 the first apple nursery was opened in Flushing, New York.
- Some apple trees will grown over forty feet high and live over a hundred years.
- Apples have five seed pockets or carpels. Each pocket contains seeds. The number of seeds per carpel is determined by the vigor and health of the plant. Different varieties of apples will have different number of seeds.
- China is the leading producer of apples with over 1.2 billion bushels grown in 2001. World’s top apple producers are China, United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy.
Benefits of Apple
- The apple is a highly nutritive food. It contains minerals and vitamins in abundance. The food value of the apple is chiefly constituted by its contents of sugar which ranges from 9 to 51 per cent. Of this, fruit sugar constitutes 60 per cent and glucose 25 pet cent and cane sugar only 15 per cent.
- Apples are useful in kidney stones
- The skin of apple should not be discarded when taking it in raw form as the skin and the flesh just below it contain more vitamin C than the inner flesh. The vitamin content decreases gradually towards the center of the fruit. The skin also contains five times more vitamin A than the flesh.
- Iron contained in the apple helps in formation of blood.
- Raw apples are good for constipation.
- Cooked or baked apples are good for diarrhea.
- Apples have been found useful in acute and chronic dysentery among children. Ripe and sweet apples should be crushed into pulp and given to the child several times a day.
- Apples are of special value to heart patients. They are rich in potassium and phosphorus but low in sodium. It is also useful for patients of high blood pressure.
- Apple is also said to be beneficial to gout patients caused by increase of uric acid in blood.
- The apple peel water is an excellent medicine for the inflamed eyes as an eye wash. The over-ripe apples are useful as a poultice for sore eyes. The pulp is applied over the closed eyes.
- Tooth-decay can be prevented by regular consumption of apples as they possess a mouth cleansing property.
- The apple is the best fruit to tone up a weak and run-down patient. It removes deficiencies of vital organs and makes the body stout and strong. It tones up the body and the brain as it contains more phosphorus and iron than any other fruit or vegetable.
- An Apple a Day Keep Doctors Away.
Apple for All
- They are tasty and good for you.
- Healthiest Food. Great when you east while fasting.
- Apple can be preserve very long
- Good for Students , They carrying in Lunch while school.
- Apples do not make your fingers stink.
- Apples will not create Fat.
Apple Production
Highest & Best Quality Apple growing country is China, producing about 41% of the world’s apples, followed by the United States, Turkey, France, Poland, Italy, the Russian Federation, Germany, Argentina, Japan, and Chile. Even warmer countries like Iraq and Mexico (Mexican Applet)are able to grow apples in their cooler regions.Canadian Apple
Apples are Canada’s most important fruit crop. Canadian growers produced about 506,000 metric tonnes of apples in 1997, worth about $182 million (Canadian). Our leading apple producing province is Ontario, followed by British Columbia, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. More than 7,000 Canadian farms grow apples on over 30,000 hectares of farmland.
Apples are Canada’s most important fruit crop. Canadian growers produced about 506,000 metric tonnes of apples in 1997, worth about $182 million (Canadian). Our leading apple producing province is Ontario, followed by British Columbia, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. More than 7,000 Canadian farms grow apples on over 30,000 hectares of farmland.
United State Apple
In the United States, 4.6 million metric tonnes of apples were produced in 1997, with a wholesale value of more than $1 billion (U.S.). Of those apples, roughly:
- 50% were enjoyed as fresh fruit.
- 20% were used to make vinegar, cider, wine, juice, jelly, and apple butter.
- 17% were canned as applesauce and pie filling.
- 13% were exported (sold to other countries).
- Although people across the United States love apples, apples grow particularly well in the cooler northern states. Washington State is the leading apple-producing state, followed by Michigan, and New York.
Apple and Health
Both the American Produce for Better Health Foundation and the National Cancer Institute of America recommend a minimum of 5 servings of fruit per day to maintain a healthy diet.
Part of this should definitely be composed of yummy apples!
And since this is the recommended minimum–why not eat more?
Fact is 1 medium size apple gives you
Part of this should definitely be composed of yummy apples!
And since this is the recommended minimum–why not eat more?
Fact is 1 medium size apple gives you
- Contains no fat, cholesterol, or sodium.
- Gives you more fibre than a serving of oatmeal.
- Has a bit of deadly hydrogen cyanide in the seeds.